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Conversation Practice: Offering a Drink

Offering someone a drink is a great way to break the ice. In this lesson, you will learn basic words and phrases related to how to offer a drink politely and in the same manner how to accept a drink offered to you.

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In this lesson, you will learn how to offer a drink politely and how to accept a drink politely.

 I. Vocabulary

something to drink

Can I get you something to drink? 

glass of water

Do you want a glass of water?  

glass of juice 

Would you like a glass of juice? 

cup of coffee 

Would you like a drink of coffee?  

glass of wine

Could I get you a glass of wine? 

green tea

Would you like some of the green tea? 


II. Which of the drink above do you like? Which of the drink above do you usually offer?
III. Practice reading the words.











IV. Grammar tip
Use "could" to show ability, express possibility, and make a polite request.
Could I get you something to drink while I am in the kitchen?
- A glass of water, please.
Could I get you a glass of wine? 
- Yes, that will be lovely.
Use "would" to show certainty, ask questions, seek permission, and make a polite request.
Would you like me to get you something to drink? 
- A glass of juice or water would be nice.
Would you like a glass of juice? 
- No thanks I just had a drink.
Practice ways you can ask someone if they want a drink.

Could I get you something to drink while I am in the kitchen? A glass of water, please.
Could I get you a glass of wine?  Yes, that will be lovely.

Can I get you a glass of pure orange juice? No, thanks I don’t like pure orange juice.
Can I get you something to drink? Yes please, I would like a cup of coffee.
Would you like a drink of coffee? Yes, please that would be great.
Would you like some green tea? I would love a cup thanks.
Would you like a glass of juice?  No thanks, I just had a drink.
Would you like me to get you something to drink? A glass of juice or water would be nice.
Other polite expressions to asking someone if they want a drink.
Do you want a drink of grape juice? Yes, please.
Do you want some more apple juice? Please, (I) am really thirsty.
Do you want a glass of water?  No, thank you.
Do you want something to drink while you wait? No thanks, the taxi will be here in a minute.
V. Conversation
A conversation between two friends. What is the conversation about?

Haru invited her friend Rebe round to her house for a chat; on arriving she asks her if she would like a drink . . .
Haru:     Hello Rebe it is lovely to see you again would you like something to drink?
Rebe:     Yes, thank you that would be nice.
Haru:     What would you like to drink?
Rebe:     water or any kind of juice will be fine, thank you.
Haru:     I have some pure orange juice, apple juice, and grape juice?
Rebe:     Well; only if it's not too much trouble, grape juice would be really nice
Haru:     it’s no trouble at all I went shopping this morning and bought plenty. Wait a moment. I'll be back as soon as possible.
Haru:     Here you are. I have put some ice cubes in for you as well.
Rebe:     Thank you very much.
Haru:     Please let me know if you want another glass.
Rebe:     Thank you. That was really good, where did you buy it from?
Haru:     You're quite welcome. I went shopping at the local supermarket they had a special offer on so I bought four cartoons as the weather is hot.
Haru:    I will give you one as a present to take home with you.
Rebe:     Thank you so much. You’re very kind.
Haru:     Oh, think nothing of it we have been friends many years. 
Exercise 1. Matching
Tell your tutor the answer that matches the statements or questions.
1. Could I get you something to drink while being in the kitchen? 
      a. A glass of water, please.
      b. That was really good.
2. Do you want some more apple juice? 
      a. That was really good.
      b. Please, (I) am really thirsty.
3. Would you like a drink of coffee? 
    a. Yes, please that would be great.
    b. Here you are.
4. Can I get you something to drink? 
      a. You're quite welcome.
    b. Yes please, I would like a cup of coffee.
5. Would you like me to get you something to drink? 
    a. A glass of juice or water would be nice.
    b. I'll be back as soon as possible.
Exercise 2. Ordering. Put the words into the correct order.
* of wine I get a Could you glass? -> Could I get you a glass of wine? 

1. of wine I get a Could you glass? 
2. like to drink What would you?
3. Do you glass of water want a? 
4. you that Yes, thank nice would be.
5. know if you Please let me want another glass.