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May I help you?


a. Use polite questions when shopping or helping a customer in a shop.

b. Polite questions are asked with 'could', 'may', and 'would'.

c. You can also ask for advice in shops using 'should'.


  • Could / May I help you? 
  • Could I try it (them) on? 
  • How does it fit? 
  • How would you like to pay? 
  • I'm looking for... 
  • I'd (I would) prefer...

Words. Listen and repeat.

  • Changing room/s
  • Size  - extra small, small (Chīsai), medium, large, extra-large - Used with standard measurements.
  • Measurements (Sokutei-chi) - used with specific measurements for trousers, suits, etc.  
  • Shop assistant/store clerk 
  • Trousers/Slacks/Pants
  • Waist 
  • Inseam 
  • Credit cards


Let’s Practice. Fill in the blanks.


You went to a store to buy a sweater. The shop assistant assisted you.

Below is the conversation in which you must fill in the blanks using the words from the answer pool.


Answer pool:

you            smaller            go        try       rooms      How    Can      cards


Shop Assistant: How can I help ___? / May I help you?
Customer: Yes. I'm looking for a sweater like this one but in a _____ size.

Shop Assistant: Here you ___.

Customer: May I ___ it on?
Shop Assistant: Sure, the changing ______ are over there.

Customer: _____ much does it cost?
Shop Assistant: It's $45.

Shop Assistant: How would you like to pay?
Customer: ____ I pay by credit card?

Shop Assistant: Certainly [Cer-ten-li]. We accept all major credit ______.


Ordering. Put the words into the correct order.

* help you I May? -> May I help you?

1.  help you I May? -> May I help you?

2. go Here you. > Here you go.

3. much cost does How it? >  How does it cost?

4. can I  you help How? How can I help you?

5. How you like would pay to? How would you like to pay?

6. credit card by pay I Can? > Can I pay by credit card?