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Greetings in basic social encounters.

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Maru and I went to a party, a week ago, at my friend’s house. Old friends and acquaintances enjoyed a conversation reminiscing the good old days. Maru practiced the expressions in basic social encounters.

Pronunciation practice


tea, meet,
















/ˈverēəs/ adj. different; diverse

ex. There are various(different) times of the day


/brīt/ adj. aglow; radiant

ex.  It’s a bright morning!


/ˈfansē/ Adj. fantastic; marvelous

ex.   Fancy meeting you here!

accompany (ied)

/əˈkəmp(ə)nē/ v. come with; go with

ex. I am accompanied by my friend.


/ˈsimb(ə)l/ n. represent; guide

ex: The flag is a symbol of a country.


I. Simple greetings!



     Hello there!


II. General greetings!

            How are you?

            How’s it been?

            How’s everything?

            What have you been up to?

            What’s up?


III. Greeting for various times of the day

            Good morning.

            How are you this bright morning?

Good afternoon.

            Good evening.


IV. Greeting a person you haven’t seen in a long time

             I haven’t seen you in years!

            I haven’t seen you in ages!

            Long time no see!


V.  Welcoming someone who has returned

            Welcome back!

            Where were you?

            Where have you been?

            Where did you go?


VI. Expressing surprise at meeting someone

           What a surprise to meet you here!

            Fancy meeting you here.

            What are you doing in this part of the town?

            What have you been up to?


VII. After greeting someone

            We seem to keep running into each other.

            Haven’t we met before?

            I’ve been meaning to call you.

            I’m sorry; I’ve forgotten your name.


Conversation Practice

A. Getting introduced

A:         Hello, I’m (your name)! What is your name?

B:         Hello there, I am (name).


A:         Hi, it’s nice to meet you, ______________!

B:         I’m glad to meet you too, _____________!


B. Getting to know you


            A:         How are you, _________? Where are you from?

            B:         I’m good, _________. My hometown is ______________.

   How about you, where are you from?

             A:        My hometown is ______________.


 C. Welcoming someone you haven’t seen in a long time


            A:         Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in ages!

                         What’s up? Where were you?

            B:         Long time no see! Well, I went back to my hometown to take care of some business.

            A:         Welcome back! We missed you around here.


D. Expressing surprise at meeting someone

            A:         What a surprise to meet you here, ___________!

            B:         Fancy meeting you here, ___________!

   What are you doing in this part of the town?


A:         I have business to attend to. How about you, _____________.

  Never thought I’d see you here!        

            B:        I accompanied my relative/family here for some business too.




            A week ago, I went to a party at my friend’s house. It was held in the evening. I saw old friends and met new acquaintances. We greeted one another, asked how each of us have been, and what we have been up to. Some friends shared stories down memory lane. It was like a simple reunion that my friend hosted. I have not seen some of my friends in years so it was a surprise to meet them there. We ate dinner together. The food tastes so good. Then we sat and talked. Hey, we drank some too. It was a nice party and I enjoyed every minute of it.

                            When was the party held?

                            How did the friends greet each other?

                            What were the conversations about?