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Celebrating Hawaiian Days in Kanagawa


Our conversation practice is about the activity of the Hula club in Kanagawa, which coincides with the Golden Week celebration...I attended the event for three days. The first was to have a Hula performance while on the second and third days, I was the event information officer and also did some hosting of a specific activity though I am an amateur. The event organizer wanted to create a relaxing atmosphere at the venue. 


coincide            /ˌkōənˈsīd/ v. occur at or during the same time.

preparation       /ˌprepəˈrāSH(ə)n/ n. the action or process of making ready.

commence        /kəˈmens/ v. begin; start

venue               /ˈvenˌyo͞o/ n. the place where an event or performance happens

amateur            /ˈaməCHər/ n. a person who takes part in something without having experience or skill in it.


Who are/is...?

What is the.../What are ...?

What are/is ...?

How long...?

Where is the...?

When is...?

Conversation Practice

Our conversation practice is about the activity of the Hula club in Kanagawa, which coincides with the Golden Week celebration...

Part 1

A: What are your preparations for the golden week?

B:  I have a hula event during the golden week.

A: How long did you prepare for the hula event?

B:    We prepared for three months.

A:    Who are the performers?

B: My group of Hula dancers is going to perform. 

A: How long is the performance during the golden week?

B: The Hula event is a part of the Hawaiian days with whole-day performances. I have two hula performances each day.

A: When is the opening of the Hawaiian days?

B:    The Hawaiian Days commences today.

A:    What will be your participation in the event?

B:    I am assigned as an information officer for two days.

A: Where is the venue of the event?

B: The event venue is at a big shopping mall in Kanagawa.

A:    What are the plans for the opening ceremony?

B: We are going to wear the Hawaiian costume with the head flower crowns, and the lei for the opening of the event.

I am also going to provide information to my students about the activities, and of course, conduct dance practice.

A: Are you busy the whole day?

B: No, I will take it easy and have fun.

A: What time will you go to the event?

B: I will go there at 10 o'clock in the morning. The event starts today at 11 in the morning.

A: Please take pictures and show me.

Part 2

A: When did Hawaiian days begin?

B: The Hawaiian Days started on April 29 and until May 8

A: What was the objective of the Hawaiian Days?

B:    Its objective is to spread awareness among the people.

A: What was your role in the Hawaiian Days?

B: My role was to assist as an event information officer; perform Hula with my students, and inform others about the event. I also toured the visitors to the venue and talked about Hawaiian culture. 

A: Can you tell me more about the event?

B: I attended for three days. The first was to have a Hula performance while on the second and third days, I was the event information officer and also did the hosting of a specific activity though I am an amateur. The event organizer wanted to create a relaxing atmosphere at the venue. I used a cue card to guide my hosting.

A:    Before one becomes a skilled host, one starts at the amateur level, first. You must have enjoyed the Hawaiian Days.

B:    I did! It was fun and I enjoyed it so much!